Fall 2011 Session II Begins in AT&T
The second Fall session began in the AT&T Classroom on October 31.
From Portage Path Community Learning Center (Akron Public Schools) Mrs. Amy Fejes and her fourth graders began their six week unit focusing on geometric shapes. They have been utilizing a variety of online resources to study shapes and angles including Johnnie’s Math Page and the National Library of Virtual Manipulatives.
In the afternoon, the AT&T Classroom is hosting the fifth grade from Franklin Elementary (Kent City Schools). Fifth grade teachers Mrs. Jody Frank & Miss Jenna Ward co-developed a unit on the solar system. Mrs. Frank’s students started the unit by investigating moon phases using a variety of web resources and also had the opportunity to view 3D images of moon phases using a stereoscopic 3D visual display system. Students then worked in groups to create videos and claymations depicting the phases of the moon.