Research Center for Educational Technology

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Highland Students Study Wellness & Nutrition

Brandi Timberlake’s third graders (Highland Elementary/Stow Munroe Falls City Schools) have been studying nutrition and wellness in the AT&T Classroom. Students have been recording their daily food intake and analyzing their data in comparison to the recommended daily allowances. The class has been using a number of online resources accessible at Sheppards Software, Kids Health, Nourish Interactive, Nutrition Exploration, and Smart-Mouth. After researching nutrition and wellness online, the students worked in groups to write their own lyrics for a song on nutrition & then created a music video to present to the class. During the next part of the unit, the class will be studying body systems.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Walls Fifth Graders Study Revolutionary War

Mrs. Robyn Elia, 5th grade teacher from Walls Elementary/Kent City Schools, just completed a three-week unit in the AT&T Classroom on the Revolutionary War. As part of their work, students chose a figure from the Revolutionary War to research and based upon their findings, students created a digital biography using PhotoStory. Students also studied the Revolutionary War by taking on the role of a person living during the Revolutionary War era. Working with a partner , students created an interactive digital poster, called a Glog, in which they demonstrated through visual images, video and audio clips their opinions of the war as they “walked in someone else’s shoes”.
Mrs. Elia co-designed the unit with fellow Walls fifth grade teacher, Mrs. Christine Lowden, who will bring her students to implement the unit after the Thanksgiving break.
You can access the complete unit plan and resources at: