Research Center for Educational Technology

Monday, February 16, 2009

Fitness and Wellness "All Systems Go"

Julie Obraza and Lauren Alexander of Fishcreek Elementary School designed a unit based on fitness and wellness called "All Systems Go". The students began their study with a complete overview of proper nutrition. This involved an introductory lesson on nutrition from Deanna Lavanty of Kent State University and a field trip to the food lab in Nixon Hall. Greta Siler gave the students the opportunity to touch and taste a wide variety of nutritious foods. Throughout the unit, students recorded their daily intake of foods on their Palm Handheld Computer. The students transferred this information daily to and created graphical displays comparing the students actual intake of nutrients to the ideal diet plan for a child of their age and size. This graph was printed and the students shared this information with their parents.

NASA Visits the AT&T Classroom

Mrs. Christi Bates and her fifth grade students from Holden Elementary School launched their study of astronomy with a visit from NASA. Students learned about living in space and all of the adjustments that must be made for a zero gravity environment. The students used their computers, Flip video cams, Smart Board, and Palm TX handheld computers to study phases of the moon, changes in seasons, orbits of the earth and moon, eclipses of the sun and moon, shadows and the atmosphere of the earth. A new 3-D viewing equipment on loan from the KSU Biological Sciences, gave students another representation of planets and the moon.

Second Graders Focus on The Weather

Hurricane Ike provided some real life experiences for the second graders and their teacher as they began their study of weather. Images of Hurricane Ike were examined using Google Earth with the weather layer selected. Students used Flip Cam cameras to film the weather outdoors. Newspaper articles were reviewed daily using The Wolf Vision document camera and Kidspiration provided students with a format to display and record daily weather, including temperature, and cloud type. The highlight of the unit was a trip to Channel 2 studio where the students were encouraged to explore the control and experience the green screen with weather graphics.