Research Center for Educational Technology

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Using the Smart Board: Plotting a Journey Across the USA

Fifth grade students from Walls Elementary School, under the guidance of their teacher, Robyn Elia, used their time in the AT&T classroom to study the regions of the United States. Google Earth in concert with a Smart Board enables the students to explore the regions of the USA with the tip of their finger. Each of the regions was also investigated through the use of the World Wide Web. Garage Band Software under the direction of Dr. Walter Gershon, was unitized to create hip-hop inspired musical jingles based on the region being studied. Students working in cooperative learning groups composed short quizzes focusing on a particular region of the country. The students completed each quiz by using clickers, a personal response system.

Fishcreek Elementary Students Explore The City of Stow Government

The Fishcreek Elementary students of Deb Miller utilized new technology in the AT&T classroom to study the city government of Stow, Ohio. The city and government were explored and researched by using internet sites and Google Earth. The students saved the information they discovered on their Palms and in their folders on the network. Google Earth maps were manipulated by both teachers and students using the Smart board. A 3D map of Stow was created by the students using Community Construction Kit software.
Students were nominated for the office of mayor and members of city council. Using PowerPoint software they produced campaign posters. Audio and video speeches were recorded and played back for the election. A trip to the Stow City Hall hosted by Mayor Fritschell was a culminating event for the unit.

Deb Miller and her students created a video of their time in the At&T Classroom